More about WilPower
The EU Logistics sector, including transport and supply chain industries, is one of the largest and most developed in the world: fast growing and constantly adapting to new technologies and global business practices. In recent years, the spotlight has been shone on gender diversity across all sectors of our economy, especially the relative lack of women in senior positions in the scientific and technical sectors. Yet in this aspect, the logistics industry is consistently falling behind. The sector is believed to only have 10% of women working at board level, and female participation across the industry currently runs at less than 25%.
For these reasons, the objective of Wil Power is clear:
to develop innovative vocational education and training that will assist women working in transport and logistics to progress to leadership roles within their companies and organizations.
We will achieve this through the development and delivery of the following:
Training Course for Women in Transport and Logistics – this course will target women already working in the sector.
Professional Women in Logistics Network- Will use the principles of women-in-business networks and mentoring programmes, which have been proven to be highly effective, to boost skills and confidence of potential female leaders.
Good Practice Toolkit for promoting Female Leadership in Transport and Logistics- Aimed at Transport and Logistics companies directly, this resource presents practical opportunities for companies to encourage equal opportunities and diversity in the workplace.
WIL POWER hopes to create an enthusiastic response from women within the sector as well as leading organisations in transport and logistics leading to big changes across the entire sector.